Friday, May 9, 2008

the thoughts running around inside my head

feel like I was run over by a steamroller,the pictures of my garden.does give me some satisfaction.really enjoy eating homegrown vegetables,nothing more satisfying watching something you cultivated.of course if you really think of the miracle of nature how something starts from a small seed, will grow up edible plant.wish I could do more in my backyard.something I could do in a day now takes a week.also caught a garden snake,do not think of taking a picture of it until I was halfway down the street,there's a big wooded and fields at the end my road so I took him down there and released him.I used to catch snakes all the time,then one time while working in South Carolina,seeing this black snake crossing the road,jumped out of the truck chased the snake through a field,did not catch him though,later on the road inspector came over and asked me i caught it,told him it was too fast,inspector asked me what kind of snake it was,told him it was black snake,he told me it was poisonous,so after that I did not catch a snake for a long time,but sometimes you just do things without thinking and just do it out of habit,like today seening a snake in my yard,figured I'd just catch it, i do not want to run over it with the lawn mower,of course probably should have just let him live in my garden(flower patch)since they do eat mice and such,this is a picture of the flower patch I caught him in it.(fowler patch upper left corner

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