Thursday, April 10, 2008


budget wow this is different, I hate to think of a budget life is definitely changed,basically after every day bills are paid,I have $25 a day to feed myself,purchase gasoline,save for the future,and then set aside money for future home repairs,auto purchase.the mind is racing.but it definitely could be worse.instantly get very depressed thinking of the future,specially employment prospects.I've had interviews and when I tell them of my back injury.the conversation quickly changes to, well thanks for your interest if we have a position that your qualifications will fit into, we will give you a call.and of course after the conversation,the key is not to let it get me down.that's the hardest part of life is trying to find the positive one there's negative circumstances.what is a negative circumstance that having gainful enjoyable employment.basically I've lost a career with the back injury,I took a lot of pride in my job and my abilities.basically all the skills I've had for earning an income involved using my body.see the depression instantly comes back when I tried to think of what I can do for a living,what I've lost because of the back injury,and how to move forward and see something positive.Hungary, angry, lonely, tired.while I have all of them going on inside me right now.I guess the easiest one to take care of will be the hunger,think i will make myself something to eat.

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